'Della Robia Blue Bunny'
18 inches x 22 inches
oil on canvas
oil on canvas
The balance of cool and warm tones in this still life will add richness to any room in your home. This painting features one of my favorite still life objects, a ceramic bunny who likes to turn up from time to time in my paintings and will do so again in the future! The beautiful quality of this object makes it suitable for a formal still life such as this, but always adds a touch of fun and playfulness to its surroundings. Here it is flanked by a gracious bowl (which, turned topsy-turvy as it is) could almost be the secret location of the rabbit's warren!) on one side and my wife's collector Delft rolling pin on the other. The whimsical, soft suggestion of various objects gathered around makes for a little domestic garden in which a bunny is mischievously playing - and almost blending in. I hope the viewer finds comfort with a similar sense of belonging when enjoying this still life on a bedroom, dining room, living room, or office wall.